photographic journalism

On February 11, 2007, I was contacted by David McKeown a college student majoring in photographic journalism. He had a class assignment to photograph love and asked if he could photograph Indy and me.

David has a part time job working with my daughter and was discussing his project with her. She suggested that for something different to photograph me and my Freedom guide dog, Indy. Most people that have pets love them. However, the special bond and trust that I have in Indy exceeds normal pet relations. I believe that love and trust are very closely related. I have totally put my trust of my life in Indy superb training and judgment

When David reviewed his pictures, he sent a few to me and wrote "Thank you very much for giving me the chance to meet, talk with you and take pictures of you and Indy together. I found this personally to be a very rewarding assignment".

I was very pleased to learn that David received the letter grade of "A" for this assignment.
Photographs by: David Mckeown, 2/11,07

Mutual admiration

caption: Mutual admiration, Lenny and Indy looking at each other.

having fun

caption: Having lots of fun, Lenny and Indy playing.

maybe getting lucky caption: Maybe getting lucky, Indy looking at Lenny's hand anticipating a treat.

I like carrots

caption: Yes! Yes! Yes!,Indy getting a carrot for a treat.

rest time

caption: Time for a rest,Indy laying in front of Lenny.

back to work

caption: Break is over, Indy safely guiding Lenny down Market St.