My video news stories

Kelly Choate, the reporter from WBRE/WYOU TV did the following 3 news stories. They were all very positive. At the time she told me that the first story"Walk A Mile in Her Shoes"was the most watched story that they ever had because it was so positive.

In this story I am wearing yellow peep toe pumps to raise money for Sexual Assault and Counseling Center.

Pa Home page, WBRE/Wyou TV story WALK A MILE IN HER SHOES

This story is about the benefit magic show that I performed in honor of my last Freedom Guide Dog, Otter.


This 3rd story is about a clock that I made for my church to raffle off to help pay the high heating bill.

Pa Home page, WBRE/Wyou TV story About the clock MAKES FOR my CHURCH

This is  a walnut and curly maple chime clock

Photo:This is the walnut and curly maple chime clock that I made for my church.

In the story they actually showed my wife's cherry and maple chiming clock. They chose that one because it was striking and the walnut clock was not running at that time.