Walk A Mile In Her Shoes

Walk A Mile In Her Shoes

Picture at Faith UCC church

Photo:Lenny, Karen, and Toga at Faith UCC church, with Lenny wearing pretty blue heels

Here is the letter that I wrote to the editor about the 2014 walk:

To the editor,

First, I am grateful to everyone that has sponsored me for the walk. This is the 3rd time in which I was able to participate in"The Walk A Mile In Her Shoes"program. In all three events with the help of friends and just made new friends, I was able to raise the most money of each walk to help the unfortunate victims of sexual assault.

When I first did the walk, I told my wife that I would not humiliate myself unless I could acquire at least $100 in pledges. The second individual to whom I approached told me her horrifying story about being raped. She could not thank me enough for doing the walk. I walked straight home with watering eyes and told Karen that I am doing it to support that woman even if I do not get any sponsors. I also told Karen that I now intend to be the highest fund raiser. She really did not think that I could do it, until I started bringing money home. Yes, I had a few large donations but the majorities were $5 and $10 amounts.

I asked everyone that I came in contact with. The worst that could happen to me would be that they would say no! I walked over 20 miles with my guide dog, going to places seeking sponsors. I am still motivated and haunted by that first woman's tragic story.

It is a real tragedy that such an organization like Sexual Resource and Counseling Center is even needed. I know that the funds collected go to help the people in Schuylkill County. Although the majority of victims are women, boys and men are also victims. Tragically, the morning after this recent walk, there was a story published in this newspaper about a female teacher who groped a young boy in the classroom. I know that SARCC will be here for him and his family if needed.

For me the hardest part of the walk was to try and keep my Freedom Guide Dog walking in the street. She knows that we are to be on the sidewalk and she kept trying to get me there to be safe, it was like"hey dummy we belong over there". I do think that it is wonderful that such a funny fund raising event could be used for a nothing funny about it problem. I did have a lot of fun joking with people about my footwear. All along the walk girls were pointing to my rhinestone embellished yellow peep toe pumps. Many wanted to know where I purchased them. And I am sorry ladies but you can keep your stupid pantyhose, you have to be a contortionist to even put them on, my wife had to help me. There is more information and pictures about the previous walks in which I participated on this page. There also are some funny video links about the program.

For me as a blind individual, I never left it stop me from becoming community involved. I hope that others with disabilities will realize that there is a place for them to help in community events. I still try to live by the Jaycee Creed. I often think of the last line of the creed it reads"Service to humanity is the best work of life.

Please if you suspect that someone is being sexually abused report it. Do not look the other way. Thanks for reading Lenny McHugh Pottsville

Once again I am participating in the Schuylkill County SARCC, Sexual Assault Resource and Counseling Center, Walk A Mile In Her Shoes Program. It is an interesting and funny fund raiser for a very serious problem. My old friend George Moyer and I were the two highest fund raisers in 2012. This year we decided to team up. We figured if the two highest 2011 supporters worked together we could really help make a difference so "TEAM TOGA" was formed.

The theme song for the first Sexual Resource and Counseling Center was"WALK LIKE A MAN"by the Four Seasons. In the promotional pictures they had firefighters, golfers, businessmen and hunters wearing high heels. I could do none of these but as a blind woodworker I was able to make a promotional video for SARCC.

For me, the funniest thing about this video was the reaction from people that know me. They were upset when they watched. They were not upset about me wearing heels but the fact that a blind individual was using these power saws. Here is the link to that video. Lenny Cutting Wood while wearing red heels

In the video I was also wearing a Grizzly Tools apron. I put eye protection on and took a piece of wood. I cut it with a sliding miter saw. Then the camera moved down towards my feet. At that point you can hear my wife laughing as she was recording. I was wearing red high heels about 2 1/2 inches high. Then I walked over to my table saw. I powered up the saw and cut the piece of wood in half.

I purchased those red heels at the Salvation Army's thrift store for $1.00. I was hoping to use them for the SARCC video. Unfortunately they were old and the heel started to crack, making them unsafe to use.

The 2012 SARCC commercial was made to the music of Footloose. About 30 men participated in the production of the video. Watch the 2012 Footloose video file on YouTube

There is a short segment of me dancing with my Freedom Guide Dog. We all had a good time with the production. One of the women helping out noted that there was a lot of smiles and joking at the beginning but very little at the end. After about 4 hours of jumping around in those heels all of our feet hurt. I never understood hearing women saying that they cannot wait until they could take their shoes off. Ladies, I could not wait until the filming was over so I could take those shoes off. I was wearing a borrowed pair of royal blue shoes with 2 inch heels and Toga was wearing pink dog boots. She also had a sign on her harness that had SARCC in red letters, walk a mile in black and in her shoes in pink. I also had a blue bow on her harness that matched my shoes.

At the time, my pastor served two churches, Trinity UCC in Pottsville and Faith Reformed UCC in Landing Ville. I talked to him to see if I could speak to the Landingville group on Sunday, March 18. He really liked the idea. I told him that I was not sure if I would have the nerve to wear the heels to the service. I decided to do it for the shock factor. I most likely will do a similar presentation for the Pottsville, Trinity UCC as well on Sunday, March 25.

When arriving in the parking lot, some ladies started to laugh. I yelled asking them if they liked my new footwear. I also had Toga's harness sign and blue bow on her. Before the service started Pastor Jim came back to see if I did have the shoes on. He was pleased that I wore them. Wearing shorts really brought attention to the shoes. Unfortunately, I did not have Toga's pink boots on her. I did have her walk a mile sign and a blue bow that matched my shoes on her harness.

This is the presentation: Last year at the church picnic, a woman asked me if I really wore heels for the 2012 walk. I hope this answers her question. The Sexual Assault Resource and Counseling Center has an awareness and fund raising program called walk a mile in her shoes. Last year about 100 guys walked wearing ladies shoes.

Each year there between 500 and 600 reported sexual assault cases, right here in Schuylkill County. The youngest was a few months old and the oldest eighty. I am looking for some supporters or better yet more guys to join in. Are there any more guys here man enough to walk a mile in their shoes?

Last year one woman that I met really inspired me to do the walk. About 15 years ago there was a home break in and she was raped with her small kids in the house. Fifteen years later her husband cannot drive through that borough and when she has a bad days she still goes out to SARCC for some counseling. Obviously the attack never leaves them. It really gives me a sense of pride to be able to help these victims

. I printed a few copies of the story on how I became involved. I also have it posted on my web page and links to both the SARCC video and a short one that I made using power tools while wearing red heels. I will leave the stories some cards with my web address and a few registration forms if anyone would like to join in the walk.

I ended my presentation with the following: I can put all of you ladies into one of two groups, those who wear high heels and those that do not. For those who do not, if I can walk in these heels you can. Now for those who do, why do you do something so stupid, these are the most uncomfortable shoes I have ever worn and do not even get me started on the nylons. I always hear women saying that they cannot wait until they get home to get Those shoes off. Ladies, I really cannot wait until I get home to get these shoes off. Pastor Jim, thank you for giving me these few minutes to tell my story.

During the first part of my talk you could tell that everyone was a little emotionally touched. You should have heard the laughter when I started on the group of women who wear heels. Pastor Jim then thanked me. Walking back there were a few complements about my legs. "God should never give a man legs like that." "he looks better in heels than I do!"

A little later in the service there is a Joy and Concern section where people needing prayer are mentioned. At that time I added all of the victims of sexual violence both past and future. By the time this service is over another 30 individuals across this country will be sexually assaulted. Pastor Jim added a comment to this prayer request.

At the end of the service, before anyone left, Pastor Jim placed some money in a plate. Many others followed his lead as they were leaving. One woman told Karen that she is getting shoes for her husband to wear.

The following Sunday, I presented the same program at my church, Trinity UCC, Pottsville. Between the two churches I collected a considerable amount for SARCC.

team toga

Photo:Team Toga in the 2012 walk. George Moyer left and Lenny and Toga right, carrying a banner that reads"walk a mile in her shoes"leading the Sexual Assault Counseling Center fund and awareness walk.

Team Toga collected a final grand total of $3,382. George and I put in countless hours requesting sponsors for this cause. The work really was worth it. No other team even came close. It was quite rewarding to be able to help the victims of sexualt assault.

George and I want to thank everyone who supported us with this effort. It is amazing what can be accomplished when you put your heart and into a cause. I really want to thank George for suggesting that Team Toga to be formed. Last year we were the two top fundraisers and it was his idea for us to team up this year. Trying to come up for a name he suggested using my Freedom Guide Dog's name, Toga. I thought it was a wonderful idea then as I usually joked saying"that is perfect; after all she is good at leading the blind".

Again this year George and I were the two top individual fund raisers. George's total was $1,171 and I was able to secure $2,211. I really hope that some individual and team will surpass our totals in next years event.

I was truly honored to have the following 2011 story published in both a national and international publications. The American Council of the blind published it in the April 2012 Braille Forum and Guide Dog Users International published it in the summer 2011 Pawtracks. They published it not only to raise awareness of sexual assaults but to show that blind individuals can become very active in community events.

Here is the story on how and why I became involved with SARCC:

Before I became a guide dog user I thought that it was impractical to participate in a charity walk as a cane traveler. After receiving my first Freedom Guide Dog, I thought it would be nice to participate in a charity fund raising walk. I usually learned about them after the fact or could not make arrangements to attend. A few weeks ago there was a news article about an interesting charity walk that will take place on Thursday, April 28, 2011.

It was to support the SARCC, The Sexual Assault Resource & Counseling Center of Schuylkill County. The program was named, Walk A Mile In Her Shoes, where men would wear women's high heel shoes. Since it was to be held downtown, Pottsville, and not a very long walk, I was sure it would be an event in which I would be able to participate using a guide dog. Before I contacted SARCC, I went to the experts. I sent an email to the mailing list for Guide Dog Users, Inc. with the subject of a question for the ladies. The question was, do you ever wear high heels while working a guide dog? And explained the event. The responses were actually equally split. Half of the ladies told me no and gave several reasons why one should not, the other group gave me a lot of tips. The first one that really got my attention was No! No! No! spike heels. About ten years ago a spike heel was put through a guide dog's foot. Other heeded advice was nothing over two inches high. High heels were described as evil and can hype up your dog. I was told that you don't want to be drug down the street wearing very high heels. One other very valuable piece of information was to actually get out and work the dog before the event. Since my gait would be different, Toga had to learn walking with me in my new clicking shoes.

Funny, after walking in the house for a few days to try and learn how to balance with these very noisy shoes, I migrated to the back alley. Did this late at night when no one was around. My wife walked with me and could not stop from laughing. It is amazing how loud they are when you are trying to sneak around. I felt like a cat prowler in high heels.


Lenny, Karen, and Toga

Photo: Lenny, wife Karen, and Freedom Guide Dog Toga.

Lenny and George Moyer

Photo: Lenny and friend George Moyer. George is wearing ladies size 15 red go go boots

Lenny's shoes

Photo: close up of Lenny's yellow peep toe shoes and Toga

Lenny walking at night

Photo: Lenny walking at night. Here you can really see his shoes sparkle.