Lenny is a retired computer systems analyst now referred as software engineers. He had both coworkers and a pastoral friend that described Lenny as a man without sight that has more InSite than anyone they ever met. His life stories and experiences are both motivational and inspirational to all. He has been blessed with many talents and uses them to help others whenever he can.

Photo of Lenny and Freedom Guidedog Otter

caption: This is a photo of me wearing a T-shirt that reads: "Absolutely you can pet my guidedog as soon as I am finished test driving your car" and my hat reads "Blind people feel better".

To contact me, send an email to: Lenny Please put"About your web page"in the subject line. That way I will know that it is not a spam message!
I would be honored if you would kindly sign my guest book

My Stories index

World Tour

I am so very humbled that this web page has been on a"World Tour". My old dear friend Mike Fisher insisted that I share my stories

with the world. He could not have been more correct.

Here is the list of the countries from which I received positive emails about my web page content:

  • Australia
  • Canada
  • Costa Rica
  • Denmark
  • England
  • France
  • Germany
  • Iceland
  • Ireland
  • Israel
  • Italy
  • Japan
  • Kenya
  • New Zealand
  • Pakistan
  • Philippine Islands
  • Porto Rico
  • Scotland
  • Sweden
  • Zambia


    A friend wrote this but wishes to remain anonymous:

    About This Webpage

    This website was first created by my late friend Mike Fisher May, 2001. I have been maintaining it for years with some occasional technical help from Mike.

    In the fall of 1966 Mike went off to college and after a year working at a lamp factory, I went off to computer school. That is when Mike and I lost track of each other. About 35 years later our paths crossed via email.

    Trading emails on what we had been doing over the years really sparked an interest in Mike. He kept telling me that I have to share my stories with the world. It took a lot of arm twisting with him and a few other friends to get me to agree. The next thing that I knew was that there was a sample web site launched.

    As development continued I had the idea of trying to locate resources that could help the blind community. There is now a fairly extensive resource list for the blind and visually challenged on my website.

    Now without Mike's guidance, on my own, I developed a new designed website. I tried to keep it visually appealing for the sighted community and easy to navigate for the blind using screen reading software. I have tried to follow the format that Mike previously designed, using columns for the information. I did my best to make this new page useable on mobile devices as well as on the conventional desk top computer.

    Special Thanks

    To Karen, my best friend A very special thanks to my loving wife for all that she has done for me. She is always there for me when I need her support and help. She always has a great smile, I can always hear the smile in her voice. I am so lucky to have her, not only as my friend but also my wife. Karen, I shall love you always.

    To Nancy DeFont Arnold I also have a very special thanks to, the late, Nancy DeFont Arnold. Because of our re-acquaintance at our class reunion, I was able to get back in touch with Mike. Nancy has also had a large part in convincing me to create this web site. She believes that my stories will help others as they did for her. Between her and Mike, I found it hard to refuse.

    I have very fond memories of Nancy. We only became friends during the last few weeks of school. I was very lucky to have been paired up with her for all of the graduation events. We laughed a lot and talked about the famous "Y" dances.

    To Pastor Marianne Unger I must add this thanks to a wonderful friend, whom I once had the honor and privilege of calling her my Pastor. Pastor Marianne has been a very motivating force in convincing me to share my stories. The story "Be careful for what you wish" in her opinion is a wonderful testimonial to the Glory of God. On July 1, 2001 she encouraged me to tell this story in place of one of her wonderful sermons. She was absolutely right; the members of the congregation were all very touched. Wherever our journeys in life take us, you will always be with me.

    To the, late, Mike Fisher I have a very special thanks to my old friend and Web Designer, Mike Fisher. During high school days Mike and I were very good friends. We must have played several hundred games of chess. I have fond memories of going down to the LAR, an ice cream and sandwich shop. We use to carry in the chess game listen to the jukebox, have a milkshake and play a game or two of chess. What a memory! With that jukebox you could listen to ten songs for fifty cents. It was about the fall of 1966 Mike and I lost contact. When I attended my 35th class reunion and became reacquainted with some old classmates. One classmate has a friend who kept in contact with Mike. I was provided with his email address and an old wonderful friendship was re-established. Resulting in the creation of this web site. This development was totally Mike's brainstorm. I am truly glad that he convinced me into creating the website. Mike did all of the technical stuff to make it happen. Thanks Mike.

    To Bonnie Zimmerman (From Mike)(This is a note from Mike Fisher, the "novice (webmaster of this site.) I felt that I should mention that the anonymous person Lenny referred to above, who re-introduced Lenny and me, is , the late, Bonnie Zimmerman. Bonnie my great friend and classmate from Pottsville Area High School , class of 1966. She was the main catalyst that brought together the elements that cooked up the wonderful chemistry that made this all happen. As Bonnie Told me recently, "The Lord works in mysterious ways!"

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